We’re a Teen-Led Organization Fighting Climate Change

As of May 2020, the concentration of carbon dioxide is the highest it has ever been in human history. The average wildlife population has dropped 60 percent in 40 years. Two thirds of extreme weather events within the last 20 years were caused by humans, and so much more.

What We Do

Our goal is to raise money and awareness for climate change. Money raised will be used to help our communities within New Jersey by planning beach clean ups, city gardens, and more! In any and every way possible we will to make a difference!


Radioactivity In The Environment

In the 21st century, there are lots of chemicals and locations of poison that might affect our health. Something that is unavoidable in this day and age is radiation.Every gadget we have, own, or have/will be around gives off some form of radiation. Depending on the severity of the radiation exposure, the long and short…

Regional Effects of Climate Change

When we consider the term ‘climate change’ we typically think of a global phenomenon. We think of the temperatures rising everywhere, the winter and summer becoming longer and harsher weather in every region of the world. All of these things are happening. However, it’s important to look at how certain regions are being affected by…

Climate Doomsday

The doomsday clock was created after the emergence of nuclear technology in the 1940s. Its purpose was to predict the end of the man-kind through human infliction. This is shown through the minute hand gradually nearing midnight; when it does, this is thought to be the end. With nuclear weaponry and other scientific advancements, atomic…

The Buzzkill of Climate Change

When most people think of bees, it is often accompanied by the thought of their taunting buzzing and hazardous stingers. However, the truth is that if you enjoy cucumbers, melons, oranges, apples, and of course, honey, as well as dozens of other fruits and vegetables, you rely on bees. In the United States, honey bees…

McDouble Trouble

Introduction  McDonald’s is the world’s largest fast-food restaurant chain. The enamored restaurant chain feeds 68 million people every day and makes 75 million US dollars each day. This corporate giant alone has one of the largest cultural, political, economic, and environmental impacts of any company in history. Their influence is one of the strongest in…

Nuclear Energy and How it Affects the Environment

As the dangers of fossil fuels and the threat that global warming is posing become more obvious, many people are looking for alternatives for energy sources. Nuclear power is a form of energy that could be cheap, simple to produce, and sustainable. It has the potential to power all of our homes and buildings, without…


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The Great Barrier Reef 2000 vs. 2016

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